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Writer's pictureTRUhope

The Good, the bad...the Balance!

I love the sound of the ocean, the waves come to the shoreline, crash and roll, then return to the calm sea. Our emotions and life events are like these waves, sometimes our emotions crash, and our life events are busy and full of drama, but they should always return to a state of calmness. Our emotional states and dramas should come and go like this, but they don’t, do they? We hold tightly to our emotions, and we love our dramas, maybe they make us feel alive or significant. Either way the tighter we cling to the shore the more suffering we get, because like the wave that’s supposed to return to the ocean; so too, are our emotions and stressful situations. When we are able to allow these things to come and go this helps us find that calm and peace within.

Our true nature is to experience up and down emotions, victories and defeats, love and heartache. This enables us to enjoy life. Surely, we wouldn’t enjoy good without bad, light without darkness, there is a balance, a duality of life that gives us purpose and joy. All life is rooted in duality, without dark skies and rain there cannot be the renewal of flowers, trees or life in general. We humans live in-between, we call it the balance and the buddha called it the middle way. Meaning, not too little stress, not too much stress. This can be practiced with many aspects of our lives, such as our eating, talking, exercising or other small habits that become unbalanced. We seem to do too much of something, and we neglect another, so this also puts stress on our lives and leaves us with a restless mind. When we find a healthy balance to life, we experience less frustration, anxiety and depression. This balance becomes visible and takes root in our lives when we implement the four steps I talk about, it brings you to a place where you understand that everything you say, do or think is your responsibility.

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