Atma-Vichara (Self-Inquiry) is a meditation practice which helps us understand our past traumas, emotions and inner thoughts by looking within. In this meditation we find our breath and calm the mind by searching for who or what we truly are. This is usually said to be the seeker, the observer, the soul or atma(the self). It has many names but endless meanings, for this looking within we need not get too attached to intellectual meanings.
Today we observe with a simple mind, so we may get a clearer picture of why we suffer from old traumas, emotions or daily stressors. Like so many who came before us, we thought emotions and trauma were suffering but they are two very different things. Trauma and emotions are a normal human action or reaction, but suffering from them over and over is real suffering.
Self-inquiry allows space between you, the emotions, and the suffering. When we learn to follow the breath, give the mind some space, reflection takes place naturally. Self-inquiry meditation helps us understand by taking responsibility for our own lives. We see that our suffering is created by us. Let us make this clear, by observing this.
We may not be responsible for causing our problems, or other people's problems, but we should understand that how we react to these problems or emotions affects our ability to see things clearly. This is why it's important to give you space from the person who is always suffering from problems.
The world is always happening, with or without us. There is great happiness and sadness, highs and lows (sukha and dukkha). Here we learn to live with both, we cultivate love and understanding, so we can experience our true selves. Self-inquiry is for us to know inner peace through practicing and reflecting daily on yourself.